If you have an extbase extension and you need to call a controller action via TypoScript, things have changed from TYPO3 4.7 to 6.1. TYPO3 6 has a lot of code rewritten, depends heavily on PHP namespaces and extbase extensions from earlier versions will no longer work.
To get started with all the necessary bootstrap code for a new extension, use the extension “extension_builder” from TER.
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Tag Archives: typo3
TYPO3 / tt_news – use news title as page title in multilanguage environment
If you are using the popular extension “tt_news”, you probably want the news title as page title on the single view of the news entries. Especially for SEO and sharing (Facebook, Twitter,…) it is very useful to have this information in the TITLE – tag of the page.
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Cropping of images in typo3 with typoscript
This posting is based on version 4.3.3 of typo3.
It is often necessary to display thumbnails with fixed width and height values for each image (e.g. some image gallery…), which is a challenge if you have images of different formats (4:3, 16:9,…).
Typo3 offers the “cropping” function, which means the original image is scaled to a given width and height – to preserve the proportions of the image, it automatically resizes the images to match the given values.
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Typo3 (4.2.8), utf-8 encoding and caching
Recently, a weird problem occured in my current typo3 – project. The caching was configured properly (out of the box configuration) and all caching tables were written as they should – but with a very confusing behaviour: the whole page was generated completely new by typo3 on each page request, which caused high server load. The error was not caused by an overriden no_cache-value or one of the other usual suspects (USER_INT, config – directives). After spending days trying to find a fix for the problem, i finally found a solution:
typo3 – enable admin panel in preview mode for non-admin users / groups
Typo3 offers a nice feature to edit content elements of a page directly in the preview mode – but this functionality is only available for admins per default. In my projects, it’s important for all users to have this feature. As so many tasks in typo3, it is not very obvious how to enable it – so here is a (very short) tutorial, how it works to add it for backend-groups.