Please check part one of this blog post first!
The media management extension DAM is no longer supported in TYPO3 6.2 LTS, the functionality will be replaced by the new file abstraction layer – FAL. The challenge is to migrate the existing DAM structures to FAL without losing any data and file relations.
Caution: the following tasks must be run AFTER the migration to TYPO3 6.2 LTS (and with all DAM and related extensions uninstalled)
Read More
- Install the extension “dam_falmigration” and “filemetadata” via TER
- Create a backend user with the username “_cli_lowlevel”. This user is required for running the migration tasks via command line.
- Update the FAL file references via the scheduler task “FAL Update storage index” – this will add all your existing media resources to the FAL index.
Now switch to the command line and run the command line tasks of “dam_falmigration” as described here:
./typo3/cli_dispatch.phpsh extbase dammigration:migratedamrecords
I’m not sure, which tasks are exactly needed, in our migration process, we simply ran them all in the same order as described in the link above. If you are using “tt_news” it is important to run the option “dammigration:migratedamttnews”, otherwise it is not necessary. - Switch to Scheduler, add and run the two scheduled tasks for converting media captions and link captions once
Check your content elements and frontend – migration of DAM to FAL is done now and all files and references in standard content element should be migrated correctly.
Migrating tt_news with DAM to tt_news with FAL
- Execute all necessary steps of extension “dam_falmigration” (see part one)
- Install the extension “fal_ttnews” via TER. This extensions extends tt_news to use FAL as media management. Check your news records – all DAM references should now be available as FAL records
Add the following Typoscript configuration to replace rendering of media resources in tt_news
includeLibs.imageMarkerFunc = EXT:fal_ttnews/imageMarkerFunc.php plugin.tt_news.imageMarkerFunc = user_imageMarkerFunc includeLibs.displayFileLinks = EXT:fal_ttnews/displayFileLinks.php plugin.tt_news.displayFileLinks = user_displayFileLinks
Feel free to add your comments and experiences here.
I will not offer any support and i will be not responsible for any problems or damage on your site caused by the provided information – use it at your own risk!
Isn’t it ext:fal_ttnews you are thinking about – not ext:FAL_media.
I haven’t found any extension called FAL_media. There is a field called that though.
Thankyou, Stig – you are absolutely right – i just updated the post
Hi Elmar,
the cli-User names “_cli_lowlevel” not “cli_lowlevel”.
thankyou, i corrected the user name
Thanks for this. The original documentation is a bit unclear which command to use, your writing: “we simply ran them all in the same” helped me.
in tx_dam there is a “copyright” field, which is not there in filemetadata in TYPO3 6.2 and so not converted. This copyright field is showing up again in filemetadata in TYPO3 7.0.
Using dam_falmigration you can use this sql statment to convert it:
SQL Statment for post above:
UPDATE sys_file_metadata,sys_file,tx_dam SET sys_file_metadata.copyright=tx_dam.copyright WHERE sys_file._migrateddamuid=tx_dam.uid AND sys_file_metadata.file=sys_file.uid
we are installing and configuring a typo3 site with version 6.2.19 and we have some problem in configuring the list of file in NEWS_SINGLE view.
With the default configuration
newsFiles_stdWrap.wrap = |
newsFilesHeader_stdWrap.wrap = |
newsFiles {
path = uploads/media/
icon = 1
size = 1
size.bytes = 1
jumpurl = 0
stdWrap.wrap = |
I can only display icon file and size of the file.
Can you help me?
Thank you
Sorry, i’m not really working with tt_news anymore – i would recommend to connect to the TYPO3 community via slack – there you’ll find a lot of experts who may help you out with this
I try at the moment in a second to upgrade a T3 4.6 up to 7.x.
First I made an Upgrade to 6.2. And in this 4.6-Project was DAM an tt_news used. The transfer from DAM to FAL is good working in normal tt_content. But after using the migration-Wizzard of 6.2, the Picture-Path of the tt_news-Pictures/Medias is not the /uploads/pics, no it is the //uploads/pics
I think, cause of the double-“//” the pictures are not shown in the frontend. Also not after using the dam_falmigration tool.
Do you have any Idea what I can do to transfer the tt_news-Pictures automaticly too?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Alexander,
i would recommend to join the official slack channel from TYPO3
There you’ll find support from the big community and it is a better place to dig deeper into your problem